Media Analysis

Counting the Iraqi Dead

"Recent polling (ABC/Washington Post poll, 3/16/05) indicates that the vast majority of the American public believes that U.S. casualties in Iraq are unacceptable. One can only wonder what Americans think about the level of Iraqi civilian casualties; unfortunately, the media's count dramatically minimizes that death toll."
Source: Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting Acition Alert, 21 March 2005
"It is odd that the logic of epidemiology embraced by the press every day regarding new drugs or health risks somehow changes when the mechanism of death is their armed forces." (Les Roberts, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health)

Media Alert: Paved With Good Intentions - Iraq Body Count - Part 1

MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

January 25, 2006

On the rare occasions when the issue of civilian casualties is discussed in the mainstream media three words are invariably mentioned: Iraq Body Count (IBC).

IBC describes itself as a project which maintains “the world’s only independent and comprehensive public database of media-reported civilian deaths in Iraq that have resulted from the 2003 military intervention by the USA and its allies”. (

Burying The Lancet - Update
