Each participant is listed on the map below. You can click the "pushpin" to find out who is participating in the 100,000 bell ringing ceremony. To see a better view of a certain area you can zoom in using the + symbol on the map. For instance, there are several ceremonies happening in Minneapolis, US and the London area in the UK.
Mouths Wide Open
New York City, NY
Key Organizer: Merry Conway
Bell Ringing Location: Union Square, NYC
Ceci Wheeler
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Key Organizer: Ceci Wheeler
Mike & Bonnie Wisniewski
West Covina California
Key Organizer: Mike & Bonnie Wisniewski
Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
Lexington, Kentucky
Key Organizer: Janice Sevre-Duszynska
Bell Ringing Location: Triangle Park
Date(s) of Bell Ringing : October 27th
Peace Action Task Group
of the Central KY Council for Peace & Justice
Lexington, Kentucky
www.peaceandjusticeky.org Key Organizer: Richard Mitchell
Bell Ringing Location: Triangle Park
Date(s) of Bell Ringing : October 28th
Janyce Murphy
New Haven, CT
Key Organizer: Janyce Murphy
Bell Ringing Location: public park in our neighborhood
Ronald St. Germain
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Key Organizer: Ronald St. Germain
PF Soto for
Cambridge, MA
Key Organizer: PF Soto
Parents For Peace
Santa Rosa, CA
Key Organizer: David Smith-Ferri
Bell Ringing Location: Federal Building
Peace Fresno
Fresno, CA
Key Organizer: Lisa Solomon
Bell Ringing Location: Fresno County Courthouse
Steve Clemens
Minneapolis, MN
Key Organizer: Steve Clemens
Vets For Peace - Toledo
Toledo, OH
Key Organizer: Mike Ferner
Shalom House CW
Kansas City, MO
Weam Namou
Sterling Heights, MI
Key Organizer: Weam Namou
Peace Center of Nevada County
Nevada City, CA
Key Organizer: Nory Fussell
Bert Sacks
Seattle, WA
Key Organizer: Bert Sacks
Mike Baxter
South Bend, IN
Key Organizer: Mike Baxter
Women In Black - Seattle
Seattle, WA
Key Organizer: Sasha Crow
Western massachusetts Interfaith peace C
Northampton, MA
Key Organizer: Paki Wieland
West Virginia Peace
Shepherdstown, WV
Key Organizer: Margaret Bryant
Bell Ringing Location: McMurran Hall Wall Shepherdstown
North Shore Anti-War Coalition
Evanston, IL
Key Organizer: Rosalie Riegle
Bell Ringing Location: Fountain
Tom Hastings and Christopher Laing
Portland, OR
Key Organizer: Tom Hastings
Midsouth Peace and Justice Center
Memphis, TN
Key Organizer: Jacob Flowers
North MS
Oxford, Tupelo, Water Valley, MS
Northwoods Peace Fellowship
Wausau, WI
Key Organizer: Dave
Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice
Hartford, CT
Key Organizer: John Humphries
Bell Ringing Location: Congressman John Larson's office
Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice
Norwich, CT
Key Organizer: John Humphries
Bell Ringing Location: Congressman John Simmons' office
Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice
New Haven, CT
Key Organizer: John Humphries
Bell Ringing Location: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro's office
Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice
Bridgeport, CT
Key Organizer: John Humphries
Bell Ringing Location: Congressman Christopher Shays' office
Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice
Waterbury, CT
Key Organizer: John Humphries
Bell Ringing Location: Congesswoman Nancy Johnson's office
Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine
Bangor, ME
Key Organizer: Ilze Petersons
Bell Ringing Location: In front of Federal Building
202 Harlow Street in Bangor
Pax Christi, Newman University Parish
Stevens Point, WI
Key Organizer: Jessica Kasper
Bell Ringing Location: Around the University of Wisconsin
Stevens Point Campus
Stevens Point First Friday
Stevens Point, WI
Key Organizer: Rick Zahn
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 24th, 27th, 28th
Bell Ringing Location: Downtown Stevens Point
Oxford Network for Global Justice & Peace
Oxford, England
Key Organizer: Nuala Young
Bell Ringing Location: Cornmarket by Carfax The main pedestrian street
Babak Bazargan
Geneva, Switzerland
Key Organizer: Babak Bazargan
Rochester Vigil
Rochester, NH
Key Organizer: Pat Frisella
Bell Ringing Location: In front of Parson Main Statue, Downtwon Rochester, NH
Auburn Unitarian Universalist Church
Auburn, AL
Key Organizer: Judy Cumbee
Bell Ringing Location: Auburn Universalist Unitarian Church
St. Vincent Ferrer
Brooklyn, NY
Key Organizer: Mary Anne Muller
Bell Ringing Location: St Vincent Ferrer Church
ad hoc community bell ringers
Port Townsend, WA
Key Organizer: Forest Shomer
Bell Ringing Location: Old Bell Tower
Norma MB, Shereen Sabet,OC peace vigils
Huntington Beach, CA
Key Organizer: Norma Martinez-Barrett
Bell Ringing Location: Huntington Beach Pier
Joseph C. Stockett
Indianapolis, IN
Key Organizer: Joseph C. Stockett
Bell Ringing Location: Monument Circle War Memorial
A Voice of Reason
Grand Junction, CO
Key Organizer: Karen Sjoberg
Bell Ringing Location: Five different locations: 2 downtown locations,
Post Office, 2 campus locations (Mesa State College)
Wilkes County Friends (Quaker)
North Wilkesboro, NC
Key Organizer: Sally Ferrell
Bell Ringing Location: corner of D st and CBD Loop
Hastings Against War
Hastings, UK
Key Organizer: Maya Evans
Bell Ringing Location: Wellington Place, Hastings
Justice Not Vengeance
Brighton, UK
Key Organizer: Milan Rai
Bell Ringing Location: Brighton This ceremony was done of 20.10.05
Justice Not Vengeance
London, UK
Key Organizer: Milan Rai
Bell Ringing Location: London Northwood military base
11am-3.10pm (24.10.05)
Justice Not Vengeance
London, UK
Key Organizer: Milan Rai
Bell Ringing Location: Downing Street
9am-1.10pm (25.10.05)
Voices in the Wilderness UK
London, UK
Key Organizer: Gabriel Carlyle
Bell Ringing Location: Edith Cavell statue (nr. Trafalgar Square),
David Smith-Ferri
Ukiah, CA
Key Organizer: David Smith-Ferri
Bell Ringing Location: Ukiah post office
C. Cardea
Oakland, CA
Key Organizer: C. Cardea
Bell Ringing Location: public park
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
Minneapolis, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Monday, October 24, The Jerusalem Cafe
4921 Central Avenue NorthEast Colombia Heights, MN
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
Minneapolis, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Tuesday, October 25, 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
and Wednesday, October 26, 12 noon - 2:00 p.m
and Thursday, October 27, 12 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Peavey Plaza, Nicollet and 11th
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
Minneapolis, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Wednesday, October 26, 4:45 - 5:45
50th and Halifax, Edina, MN
one block W. of France Avenue after Halifax
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
Minneapolis, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Tuesday, October 25, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
vigil at 7th Avenue on University North East
625 North East Second Street, (parking in St. Boniface Church)
one block W. of France Avenue after Halifax
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
White Bear Lake, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Monday, White Bear Lake 4:15 - 5:15 p.m.
Highway 61 and 4th Street
Twin Cities Peace Campaign
St. Paul, MN
Key Organizer: Marie Braun
Bell Ringing Location: Wednesday, October 26, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Lake Street Marshall Avenue Bridge
one block West of Otis and Marshall in St. Paul, MN
Nonviolent Vigil for Peace and Justice
San Francisco, CA
Key Organizer: Markley Morris
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 27th
Bell Ringing Location: San Francisco federal building
Larkin street and Golden Gate avenue
Pax Christi, Mohawk Valley Peace Coalition, and the
local Chapter of the United Nations Assoiciation
Utica, NY
Key Organizer: Cynthia Banas
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 26th
Bell Ringing Location: Liberty Bell Park in downtown Utica
kitty korner from Grace Episcopal Church
Monday Peace Vigil
Binghamton, NY
Key Organizer: Ann Clune
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 24th
Bell Ringing Location: Federal Building on Henry Street in Binghamton
Nicolet Peace Coalition
Rhinelander, WI
Key Organizer: Larry Kinnett
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 26th, 27th
Bell Ringing Location: Nicolet Area Technical College
Edinburgh University People & Planet
Edinburgh, UK
Key Organizer: Richard Shore
Dates of Bell Ringing: October 29th
Bell Ringing Location: Bristo Square
a large public square between the
University area and the city centre.
Catholic Worker and War Resisters League
New York, NY
Key Organizer: Cathy Breen
Bell Ringing Location: in front of War Resisters league,
Bleeker St. and Lafayette